Sunrise from Mt. Fuji by ~johnnymartini on deviantART


Moody worker

June 2 2008, 9:37 PM

So i got a job, despite everyone's belief that i wouldn't. Its rather fun. Playing cashier is funny. The whole standing on my feet all day is not cool tho. not cool at all. but yes i work from 7:30am-4:30pm. very interesting shift. but me likey.  golly it tires me! my feet ache and when i get home all i want to do is sleep.

so i need black flats, and dad won't hand over the denero. i wonder if he thinks that cause i'm working means they divorce meh? lmao. they wish. i still money for coffee, lunch, and transportation.  they are so annoying.

i cant wait to move into the village. i love the crazies.. as my coworkers love calling my kindred folk. maybe when i move out ill be free of their foolish antics.

oh yea... saw instant star new ep.. its whatevev. the commercials take most of teh show


Posted in Ranting!


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Last update Jun 2, 2008


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